Conservative treatment of musculoskeletal trauma, joints post trauma, spine diseases, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, infections, tumors, and congenital diseases.
Broken bones, compression fractures, stress fractures, dislocations, muscle injury, and tendon tears or ruptures.
Restores movement and function, and manages and prevents pain from injury, illness, surgery or disability using physical methods such as exercise, massage and manipulation.
Back pain, knee pain, sports injuries, accidents, arthritis, sprains, respiratory issues.
Targets sports injuries through the manipulation of soft tissue.
Muscle pain and tension.
Cryotherapy is a scientific approach that involves subjecting the body to extremely low temperatures to elicit both physical and mental health enhancements. Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) encompasses a brief 2–3-minute session within a specialized cryotherapy chamber, where the entire body is exposed to ultra-low temperatures, encompassing even the crucial areas at the top of the head and the back of the neck, where essential receptors are located. This treatment takes place in an environment with temperatures as low as -140°C/-220°F, fostering a multitude of health benefits including:
1. Athlete recovery
2. Rejuvenation of the skin
3. Elevating the mood
4. Help with stress
5. Improve the quality of sleep